Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How should Target Stores handle Muslims that refuse to handle pork at the cash register?

Muslims working at Target stores are refusing to touch pork products and run them through the cash registers for customers. Is this right? If it is OK for Muslims to refuse selling something because of their religion, why are Christian pharmacists forced to sell the abortion pill? Is there a double standard?

How should Target Stores handle Muslims that refuse to handle pork at the cash register?
Fire them. If the rules offend you get another job. There seems to be more of this happening everyday. It's like they keep pushing....testing us. It's time to take a stand before it gets out of other religion gets special treatment..neither should they. Adapt or leave.
Reply:OK settle the confusion bout target selling meat, Target 's store are now remodeling and will start selling a limited amount of grocery's. (milk,eggs,meat,etc etc))the mid-west is a test market.

If the employee refuses to follow the rules, the company has to follow procurer before that employees is fired.

So the store can transfer the empolyee to another dept first then if they still refuse to do thier job then fired them.
Reply:what pork ? What pork does Target sell ? Pork Skins ? Jerky ? .... Haven't Muslims been here for a while ? Why is this all of a sudden a problem ? It's America. If you are going to work in public, you have to adjust.
Reply:muslims can wear latex gloves at a cost of 5 cents per pair,,,,,,,,pharmacists who feel strongly about this aspect of conducting their employers business in good conscience have to ask their employer to not sell ru486,,,,,,,if that dont work,free market principle is to call a bank for a loan,buy a pharmacy,where you dont have to sell ru486,,,,,,,,,,,ditto for the muslim.if latex gloves dont solve the problem,,,,,,go elsewhere,,start a business.
Reply:I think it should be included in the job specifications, and if they can't do it, then they should seek a different career.

When in Rome.. do as the Romans .. not however it suits!
Reply:I agree in principle, but Target is a private company and can do what it wants.

However, I have to say that it shows ignorance of true Islam on the part of the Muslims who refuse to handle pork. Muslims are not supposed to use their religious practices in a way that is discourteous to others; non-Muslims are not required to abstain from pork, and an employee has an obligation to perform the duties for which he/she was hired.
Reply:FIRE THEM.....this is AMERICA. don't try to change us..deport them and stop this B.S...
Reply:Fire them. They were hired to work the registers. They knew the store sold pork and pork products when they took the job. They should have made their objections known before, not after the hiring process.

The problem is that Target stores are owned by the notoriously spineless French. You may recall that Target does not allow the Salvation Army to ring bells outside its stores because it does not want to be perceived as showing a religious bias. Double standard? You bet your burka there is.

So far this is limited to stores in Minnesota but it will spread if successful. You may recall that this same group of Muslims (Somalis) refuses to pick up passengers in Taxis if the passenger violates Islamic law. That is, if they have a wine or alcohol purchase, have the smell of alcohol on them (not necessarily drunk), etc. This also means they refuse to pick up blind persons with seing eye dogs. It makes me sick.
Reply:It is very necessary to know all aspects of a prospective employee's background relative to the work environment. Ask stupid questions and trust me, you will get the real answers you seek.

Some companies ask about religious beliefs up front - and well they should. It would preclude this foolishness.

Why apply for a job and then say, I wont touch this or that? Send them home and don't bow to any ridiculous law suit. If they are refusing to carry out the functions of the job, they are saying in effect, "I do not want to work. I do not want this job." Refusing to work demands firing.

I stopped eating pork a long time ago but I will touch it if I have to. That is not the same as putting it into my mouth.

This is the result of liberalisation. Everybody is demanding all sorts of rights and lefts.
Reply:It's not like Target is forcing them to eat the pork, just ring it up. Also, I don't see the connection btwn touching pork and selling the abortion pill. The abortion pill ends an innocent life and I think any pharmacist who is morally opposed shouldn't be forced to sell it. Handling pork just doesn't compare....imo. No one dies from handling pork...usually
Reply:If they don't want to sell it they can work somewhere where they don't sell meat products. Let someone else have the job that will actually do what the customers ask.
Reply:They were hired to do a specific job, so if they don't comply then they should be fired. There are too many people in this world that are willing to do any job that they can get.
Reply:talk to the store manager,get his/her *** fired
Reply:fire them. they are in a service industry that requires them to treat everybody equal. Non Muslims are not treated equal when they are told they have to get in another line to buy pork.

A pharmacist should be fired if he doesn't want to sell RU486. Simple, it's not his choice IT'S OURS! He should go somewhere else were the majority of folks not buying it think that's ok
Reply:I dont know but maybe I might be a bad muslim or I just think its silly. I work at a store with a deli. And pretty much all of our cold cuts are pork and I've been touching it for a while now. I mean I do have gloves but I dont think people are bringing pigs through the cashier. They need to stop their whining or leave.
Reply:Wtf, why not just put them in a different section? .. Man, I don't even think I've been to a Target with a meat section, or maybe I'm just confused, haha.

Oh, upon rereading that.. refusing to run them through cash registers is lame. I'd fire them, yeah.
Reply:Fire them. Christian pharmacists are required to sell birth control pills because it is a matter of public health. If they don't want to sell the Pill, then they can quit or they'd be fired.

As long as the Muslim cashiers are fired, there is no double standard.
Reply:handlein merchandize is part of the job. if they can't or won't, they should be fired.
Reply:If they did not wish to handle unclean food they should not have applied for the job. Astonishing that any reasoning creature would take a job that offended them.

Would a fundamentalist Christian nurse take a job at an abortion clinic? If she did, would she be entitled to complain when dismissed for nonperformance of the job description?

Some people don't get it, do they?
Reply:I am a Muslim, and I agree with the other Muslims who refuse to touch the pork and eat it of course.

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