Friday, July 16, 2010

Is it possible to cash some one elses check?

I live in NY and my mom is currently in the hospital. My dad and i can really use the money she gets to help pays bills. I mean everything is about to go off. They both are on SSI and get monthly checks. By the time he gets paid it will have been to late. Is there anyway to cash her check? Even under these circumstances?

Is it possible to cash some one elses check?
Sometimes you can do it if you obtain her drivers license or some kind of i.d. Call your local bank or currency exchange and explain the situation. Good luck.
Reply:Have her sign it, then you sign below that and put it into your account, or her account.
Reply:You can't cash it, but you can deposit it into her account. Then, she can give you her ATM card or write checks as needed.
Reply:Can she endorse the check? If she can, have her endorse the check "Pay to the order of (insert name here)" and sign below that. The person named in the endorsement can now endorse below her name and cash the check. If your mom and dad have a joint account, using the bank where that account is held should make things easier.
Reply:Write "For Deposit Only" on the back and it should be no problem.
Reply:It has to be endorsed (signed) with a notation that it is payable to you:

Pay To the Order Of PalmBeachNative

Signed (person to whom check is written)
Reply:have her sign the check and then you sign below her name and cash it into your account

student loan

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