Thursday, August 19, 2010

What changes would occur in your way of life if you were forced to live in a cash economy?

What changes would occur in your way of life if you were forced to live in a cash economy?

What changes would occur in your way of life if you were forced to live in a cash economy?
I'd have to have more cash.
Reply:My husband and I have been working to eliminate all our debts except for our home mortgage and car payments. It wouldn't be too hard for us to live by cash alone. It would mean that we would have to save up for our cars and other high dollar items. We would have to be patient longer, but it would not be a hardship in our eyes.

The older I get the more simple I want to live. I want to spend less time and money on things and spend the years of life on relationships and worthwhile activities. I'm old enough to understand that life is not about my possessions, all new "toys" become old after a while, less can be more and the statement, "He who has the most toys when he dies, wins", is stupid.

I've been poor at times and right now I am comfortable. All things can change in a very short period of time. As I get older I may become poor again. So, I save for the future and try not to be complacent.

Just for the record, my basic financial values were learned from what the Holy Bible teaches about money. Be honest, give to the poor, be generous with people, "For the love of money is a root of all evil", pay my debts, don't charge unfair interest(usury). People misquote the Bible and say that God says money is the root of all evil. That is so wrong. Money is just a tool. God says use money and love people. Some people love money and use people.

I'll quit now, I'm beginning to ramble and preach. I hope this helps answer your question.
Reply:None except I would carry cash instead of plastic, I live within my means.
Reply:i would be leaving a smaller foot print on the earth that is for sure but i mostly go by cash except in rare cases when i have not planed ahead and run short

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