Thursday, August 19, 2010

Women: What kinds of things do you often spend extra cash on?

Do you use it for clothes and shoes? Electronics? What do you often buy with extra cash?

I normally buy electronics and new hardware and software for my computer. Sometimes I spend some on video games but not too often.

Women: What kinds of things do you often spend extra cash on?
dvd' always coming home with them
Reply:Its been sooo long since I've had extra cash! When I get extra cash it is usually spent on my two kids or my cat and dog. Although I am planning my own Mother's day present, which is a scanner, fax, copier for my computer.
Reply:Toys/Teddy Bears/Games/Books/Coloring Books for Toys for Tots. I buy them, and keep them in a "toy closet" until December, when I donate them all. I usually have over 200 toys to donate by then. It's a great feeling.
Reply:wining and dining and everything on eBay. I buy loads of unusual, rare things such as wall plaques, ornaments, jewellery boxes, perfume bottles - anything really pretty and cool.

I only buy a few video games because most games and films I can copy for free.
Reply:"extra" cash? what's that? (mom of 3 teens here)

If I ever get any, I'd probably buy some really indulgent choocolate, get a massage or buy a piece of art.
Reply:I buy a book or a cd, a present for my boyfriend or something for my computer.

I rarely buy clothes or shoes, only when the ones I have wear out. I don't wear make-up or perfume, so don't spend it on that stuff. I hate shopping.
Reply:lingerie and i like to buy my bf things that will make him smile like his fave candy or a nice shirt or a movie we can watch together
Reply:Comic books are my Achilles heel. A friend got me started reading them when I was 14, and I've been hooked ever since. Every week I go to my local comic book store for my fix. I also spend a lot of money on books as well as DVDs (I have a weakness for TV series on DVD). Other than media, my next biggest category is electronics and computers. I've built my own computers for the past few years and I love upgrading and tinkering to improve them. Right now the biggest problem I have is that we have too many decent computers to deploy. We have one personal machine each, one Linux box that's the mail/database server, and an entertainment center in the TV room, plus assorted laptops and secondary systems. I've resorted to giving some of the older ones to family members so I'll have an excuse to build more. The current Linux box is an older hyperthreaded P4. I'd like to upgrade it since I have a spare good motherboard (a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS4) and add a dual core or quad core processor and see how it does with HD recording with MythTV or with Ubuntu Studio installed.
Reply:Salt water fish and corals....I'm a reefer

oh sorry green peace...when ever possible I only buy breed and grown here rather then something out of the ocean.

or is the thumbs down b/c I was supposed to say Shoes!

humm...lots of book readers here...I think thats great!
Reply:It differs for me depending on how much extra I have. Recently I've acquired a new iPod and a digital camera. I've spent some of my extra cash on accessories for them. When I have enough, I pamper myself by getting a manicure or pedicure, or even a massage. You gotta take care of yourself! LOL

For the most part, though, I usually use my extra cash for hanging out with friends. You know, going out for drinks, movies, and the like.
Reply:shoes.. I have 52 pairs of shoes last year :)
Reply:books...Cd's and food))...mostly I spend all my extra cash on going out with my friends)
Reply:That's exactly what my husband spend his extra cash on....whereas I tend to put mine towards a holiday or newer car. He's spends....I save. ;-)
Reply:Usually books, PS3/DS games, household items (i.e. decorative) or whatever I may be in need of.

i cant stop it plz help me
Reply:Books. And then more books. I'm slightly obsessed. :)
Reply:Usually either books or electronics.

Finding time to read the books is sometimes another issue, but at least they're there when I want them.

I just like gadgets.
Reply:ice cream %26amp; massages
Reply:For me its books- and I try and be reasonable- I buy them used from Better World Books - no shipping charges and they use proceeds for world literacy efforts. So I am promoting education and getting myself some good buys.
Reply:Books for myself and or the kids.

I also save it for a rainy day or put towards a piece of land I'm looking at buying. The property is a really good price and sits on a quite corner lot of 7 acres. With 13 behind it and 8-10 on either side. I don't have to build until I'm ready and when the lot is paid off I will build our house.

My brother in law designs homes so that is done and we will build as we go. We plan on installing our own cabinets, floors, painting and doing all trim work. This way in 15 years our house and land will be completely paid for and when we retire in 30 years we will have 15 years of extra savings to go towards it for travel, missionary trips and relaxation!

So that is where the money is going.
Reply:I am teaching myself how to sew, so I learn to make my own scrubs for work, instead of buying the same kind everyone else does at work. So right now, I am buying patterns and fabric. But my biggest jones has always been books and music!
Reply:things i buy everyweek:



Reply:Travel to new and interesting places we've never been.
Reply:The little I have goes on various things, not one type of thing particularly. I love buying secondhand (which is just as well as I have always been fiscally challenged), and week to week I spend a few quid at my local Sunday market on pretty Indian fabrics, I also love books, DVD's and groovy shoes.
Reply:Books, electronics, occasionally some kind of accessory (my last splurge was a pair of sunglasses), or savings.
Reply:Books and more books. I have many I need to read - but I love new books!

It's my addiction.


sometimes a dvd
Reply:I'm a woman and I don't care to splurge on shoes and clothes. I buy what I need and when I splurge it's usually on dvd's, books, video games, music, or maybe something from the electronics department.

I often splurge on my honey with gifts of jewlery, cards and other things.
Reply:Books mainly, but i dont often have allot of extra cash. I tend to get my books second hand to save money.
Reply:I spend extra cash on lingerie and then electronics. Most importantly on healthy eating and going to the gym, doing aerobic classes and swimming.
Reply:though this is meant for women i cant help answering

1. lingerie

2. shoes

3. cosmetics

4. dildos ;)

5. clothes

6. toys

7. movies

and the list is endless

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