Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can I cash my states tax refund check if my wife is not with me and both of our names are on it?

Both of us have signed it but I wanted to cash it alone when I have my lunch break.

Can I cash my states tax refund check if my wife is not with me and both of our names are on it?
if you have an account at the bank, they might let you do it. If you don't the shouldn't allow you (but they might)
Reply:Yes, if it's signed by both.
Reply:Yes.. if the bank says that you wife needs to be present, tell them to pull the signature card. The signature card is a statement that both of you signed when you opened the account, that gives either party access without the presence of the other.
Reply:yes you can like every one else said only if she signs it or your bank will probably do it for you
Reply:As long as it has both of your endorsements (signatures), yes.

Unfortunately the bank do not always look at the names on the check and sometimes you can cash check with obscure name on it as well.

Just sign the back...
Reply:You should be able to. Just go to the bank that you both deal with and take your I.D. and also have her I.D. with you just in case. I have done this numerous times before and didn't have any problems.
Reply:yes as long as she has signed it
Reply:Even if you can, you should not. If you filed together, you should get the money together. It may be an inconvenience, but you should do it together. I wouldn't want my husband doling me out my portion after he took his cut. I would want to do it together, that's what marriage is. Plus, her name is on it,that should tel you something right there.

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